the fire in leaf and grass

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

nothing to say. so disappointing.


so it's been a while, and it seems like i don't have much to say. life is a bit difficult these days, for various reasons. and sharing my issues with various Friends and Professionals leaves me feeling pretty spent.

so i come to the blog fairly often but generally just end up staring at the blank screen, and quitting without writing a word.


is this better than nothing?

i have a short week this week, just 2 1/2 days of work, and then a long weekend. monday i head back to the east coast, a day in jersey and another couple in connecticut (does anyone else feel like there are one too many 'c's in that word?). i really enjoy traveling, love flying, love being in hotel rooms, love the feeling of freedom and independence. so i am looking forward to next week.

thanksgiving is at our house on thursday. mom and dad and uncle and auntie are coming, and all bringing things, so all i have to do is the turkey and the sweet potatoes. not a bad gig. i do also need to clean the floors and the bathroom etc, but that is not such a big deal.

really what i am looking forward to is sleeping in on friday. and saturday. and perhaps throwing in a nap or two here or there.

can you believe it is only 9:30? and i have only been here for an hour and a half??

man, this sucks. sorry for the Lamest Post Ever.


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