the fire in leaf and grass

Thursday, March 02, 2006

thursday evening

i'm addicted to csi. i mean it. there are probably 14 things i should be doing tonight and instead i am staring mutely at the television, compelled to watch the dramaticized aftermaths of horrible crimes. why do we find these shows so compelling? is it just morbid curiosity? or hope, that if we ourselves were ever to meet the same gruesome fate, science and reason would find justice for us?

anyway tonight suomies and i are home with no plans other than just to hang, which is nice. "nice" seems inadequate, but i'm not sure how else to say it. it is good, capital-g Good. i made a (appropriately low-calorie, fiber-rich, high in lycopene) dinner and we opened a bottle of wine (half a bottle is too much for me on a school night... oops, too late) and kicked back on the couch with the afore-mentioned csi reruns. several episodes, back to back. there's really no excuse for this. i got new books, for CHRISTMAS already, and i haven't cracked them open, and yet i have time for this. it's a good thing mommee isn't reading this (yet) or she would scoff.

suomies calls from the other room "you're missing mxc" and so i suppose i have to heed.


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