the fire in leaf and grass

Thursday, September 07, 2006

here's the deal

so i'm trying out being a vegetarian.

it's been about a month. meat-free with just one notable exception, namely, the camping trip this last weekend, wherein we had steak and chicken, cooked over the camp fire. how can you say no to that?

anyway i am still eating fish, mostly because, it is so good for you (except for swordfish. you shouldn't eat that guy. i mean it.), and also i love it so much. the thing about fish though is that i love to eat it but i hate to cook it. not crazy about that fish smell that hangs out in your kitchen and thus your curtains and apron and probably hair and clothes for hours or days. and actually i prefer it uncooked, if you want to get technical. anyway, eating fish thus generally requires going out to eat it, which is nice but gets expensive. anyway i eat yogurt with honey and almonds for breakfast (protein and good fat), a frozen vegetarian meal for lunch (if you're interested, i HIGHLY recommend the palak paneer by ethnic gourmet. that's some tasty cheese), and whatever we can scrounge up for dinner. last night, it was waffles. snacks of string cheese and fruit, maybe a pria bar thrown in when i need something sweet.


what is the point of all this, you ask?

well, i'm not a vegetarian because i love animals, if that's what you're wondering. no, i am a vegetarian because i hate plants.

haahhahahahahahah!!! that one completely cracks me up.

seriously though, and some of you may know this, but i have this inexplicable crazy-high cholesterol, and i feel like at my age i am a bit too young to go on a statin for the rest of my life, and can't i make some dietary and lifestyle changes, and perhaps undo some damage and maybe avert a heart attack for a few more years? yes, yes i can.


pretty much not eating red meat any more. or white meat. or the other white meat. (or the 'other' other white meat, for that matter). not doing the full-fat dairy either. trying to have lots of fiber and some of those tasty omega-3s and 6s whenever i can.

also, i am trying to get my butt to the gym a few times a week, get that heart pumping, give the bones some weight-bearing exercises.

the thing is, i'm not getting any younger, and i kind of feel like, how pissed am i going to be in 20 years when i am fat or dead or something, and all i had to have done was to eat a bit better and work out a bit more and everything would be different?

so. that's the deal.


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