the fire in leaf and grass

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


why is it that i have so much difficulty posting these days?

a lot has actually happened since we last spoke. suomies and i spent a weekend in st. louis, seeing a few friends and attending a wedding. we dropped by my old office (too bad everyone had taken the day off!) and suprised amy at the spa, and then spent the evening with a bunch of my former arc buddies. it was fantastic- so good to see you people! i have some really cool friends, just so you know. the wedding and reception were nice, and we also spent some time with friends from church which was also nice.

so we got hit by two blizzards in the last two weeks, which you may have heard about on the weather channel or cnn or something. we got about 40 inches at the pink house. which was interesting, seeing as how there are precisely no snow shovels for sale anywhere in the state of colorado. you would think, wouldn't you, that most people who live here probably already own a snow shovel. it does snow here on a fairly regular basis. so it is mystifying to me that every target and home depot and ace hardware and you name it, has sold out. anyway, the lack of snow shovel made for some very interesting and creative snow removal techniques. such as sweeping it with a big broom. and using a garden shovel. and borrowing the neighbors' snow shovel.

hmm. i guess those aren't that interesting or creative after all.

anyway, it was a lot of snow. and it has stayed pretty cold, so it still is a lot of snow.

fortunately my hotrod handles very nicely on the ice, and has heated seats and heated rear-view mirror defrosters, and makes me very happy.

so one unfortunate consequence of the snow was the closing for two days of the local airport, leaving sisko and mr. cat stranded in toronto on their way to come visit. it turned out ok, since they have friends there whom they were able to play with, but it was a bummer nonetheless. anyway once they finally arrived we had a lovely time, replete with food and drink and general carousing.

christmas was nice, all the family together at m&d's house, gifts all around etc.

we rang in the new year at a gala put on by our church, which was interesting. it is not every day that the band at church plays 'sex machine' and 'let's get it on.' and they ran out of alcohol. it was a bit surreal.

anyway so we are now in a new year. it promises to be a year of challenges and changes. but i guess, every year is. anyway one big change for me happens in 8 days. if you aren't sure what i'm talking about, i'll tell you more about it later.

oh did you want to know what i got for christmas? here is a brief sampling:

well, it was going to be a brief sampling, but stupid stupid blogger won't upload the photos. so i suppose i will just have to leave you in suspense. sorry, charlie.

so anyway that's the update for now.

happy new year.


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