the fire in leaf and grass

Friday, March 17, 2006

fra hi dah hey

ok so i am home and it is 5:20 and i am incredibly grouchy. suomies is on his way home and i need to be nice because i am sure he has had a hard day as well, but i just have to say, i am completely grouchy.

my laptop at work is fried, it's really quite a problem. somehow the del key is stuck on, so that for example when i open outlook , it deletes everything in the inbox, and when i open internet explorer it asks do i really want to delete this shortcut? and when i type and hit home it deletes everything i have typed. it is a problem.

the subsequent problem is that i called our is department, who had the insight to ask, 'did you try restarting the computer?' yes, indeed i had. 'well did you try taking it out of its docking station?' i do not have a docking station. 'so you tried restarting it, right?' yes. 'hmmm.' (long silence) (i mean, LONG) 'i think you'll have to bring it in.' ("in" is the office downtown, quite some distance from my current location.) ok, i will bring it in. so i do. she takes the laptop, powers it up, and then (you guessed it) tries restarting it. incredibly, that didn't solve the problem. 'i'm going to have to call for service.' i'm sorry, did you just say, you'll have to call for service? am i in the information services department? are you not the people who are supposed to provide just such services? 'you should get this back in a week or two.' ah, a week or two. because really, having a computer is not CRITICAL to my job function.

so the next day (being, today) i went to work and sat at my desk and stared blankly at the wall for a while. it was almost surreal. then i got out some paper and a pen and walked around to all the different offices and asked people questions and wrote down answers, and then i made some phone calls, and then i got in my car and drove somewhere. i think this is going to be a great way to burn calories.

anyway if you know who i am and you want to email me at work, feel free, but i will not be able to read it.

so this is one reason why i am particularly grouchy. another reason is that i told a colleague at work about my upcoming departure, asking her directly not to share this information until i was ready to share it, and she turned around and told another colleague, one whom i expressly did not want to know. i told the team yesterday anyway, but i am quite irritated about it.

another reason is that someone complained about me (and to me) today that i went to a place she had suggested with suomies instead of with her. she is one of those very direct blunt people and it came across (to me, anyway, the sensitive non-confrontational one) as harsh. i'm sorry, but i'd rather go with him than with you.

another reason is that i had to pretend to care that another colleague (actually the same one as was told about my departure before i wanted her to know) has a job interview on monday, and she wanted me to read a recmomendation letter someone had allegedly written for her, that i am quite convinced she wrote for herself. i personally would not recommend her for any job. she is a nice person but a complete slacker and never takes any responsibility for her situation/performance, only makes constant excuses, which i cannot stand.

another reason is that it is st patrick's day and i forgot to buy corned beef, and so i am not going to get any, and i am so upset about it but suomies doesn't like it anyway so if i went out and bought some now not only would it take at least three hours to cook but then i'd have to pretty much eat the entire brisket myself, and i have too high of cholesterol to do that, and i have to suffer in silence.

ok so back to the issue of my upcoming departure.

my interview on wednesday went quite well i think, thank you very much for asking. it sounds like a very cool job (with one or two potential downfalls) and i think i made a good case for myself. the next step will be to go out there and meet them in person. i should hear if they want to do that sometime next week. so again, i will keep you posted.

well suomies is home and hungry, so i suppose i should go keep him company in the kitchen while he stares into the fridge and opens all the cabinets. i am not terribly hungry myself, i had lunch with camobunny today at a place called peacock cuisine, which was delicious, and i am still full. even though i would gladly sit down to a big plate of corned beef.


  • dear Saara I am sorry I did not read your blog in time to sympathize with your lack of corned beef and also I am sorry I did not yet inquire as to how your interview had went (although I was in fact quite actively curious as to the latter) and, well, as to the former, to me there's not much point in corned beef without the cabbage anyway and I'm not at all sure what corned beef should look like when you buys it and I don't imagine Mr. Cat would be all that enthusiastic about it either and, to top it all off, we were away for the weekend anyway. in fact we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day by eating fondue, can you believe it.

    in conclusion, I am very pleased to hear that your job interview went well. as indeed one might logically have anticipated.

    By Blogger AlleyCat, at 20 March, 2006 01:15  

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