the fire in leaf and grass

Sunday, May 28, 2006

help if you can

the missouri-illinois blood services region of the american red cross went on emergency appeal for blood on thursday evening. this is one of those times when my work takes on a great deal of significance. we ran out of blood, but people still need it.

so if you're 17 or older, weigh at least 110lbs, and are in good general health- think about giving blood. someone's life really does depend on it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


so i have slyly told a few more people about the blog. i'm not sure all of them will take the hint, but at least one of them has. it's interesting to be sitting here in my dark little gnat-infested cube, typing away, and having you all out there, scattered across the town and the globe, checking in, reading my thoughts. the odd thing about the blog though is that it allows me to communicate with you but doesn't require any kind of response. there are several blogs that i regularly read, for example, that i never ever post comments on, let alone talk to the authors (even though we might have once been inseparable friends) (hmm, not so inseparable, after all). it's a strange sort of communication.

anyway, for those of you who may be new to the fire, welcome.


for some reason, sisko wants me to write about power. or at least, influence.

hee hee hee. she doesn't really, but i like to deliberately misinterpret people.

however, it is an interesting topic.

today, for example, i am wearing my "power" suit. it is black and of some sort of parachute-like material (and i haven't fit into it for several years, which is a nice added bonus, but which is beside the present point). the jacket has a zipper instead of buttons up the front. the skirt is longish (just to the knees) and i am wearing the patent leather black pointy shoes that camobunny dislikes. i am wearing a thin, dark pink (hmm, maybe dark coral?) sweater underneath. the overall effect is sleek, sharp, and a bit military. edgy. i like it.

so the whole point of the power suit today is that i will be addressing the chamber of commerce of the town of my center of business. (this is a slightly scary prospect. i am quite good at public speaking but i get really nervous beforehand. i mean, really very quite extremely nervous. sweaty palms, racing heart, all that. not so fun) and because i am young, and blonde, and somewhat buxom, wearing such a suit makes me seem a bit more professional and like someone you should take seriously. especially on matters pertaining to life-saving blood and blood products. ah yes, the favorite topic for lunchtime addresses.

so. the thing about power, is that we should use it for good, not evil. eeveel.

Monday, May 22, 2006

poem for the day


I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

-d. h. lawrence


well it is, and it feels like it.

i had a nice weekend. sushi with a friend, baby shower for a different friend, visited the new baby of yet another friend. dinner out with suomies on saturday. sunday was church, and then lunch and a visit to the chihuly exhibit at the botanical gardens. last night a going-away party for the first-mentioned friend. a good weekend.

today my job is stressful, and the check which was sent a full week ago has not yet arrived, and needs to be delivered to a third party by tomorrow, and my visit to a certain professional was unsatisfying and a bit depressing, and i have eaten my lunch but i am still starving.


my golf game did not improve over the weekend, which is also disappointing.

but. give thanks in all circumstances.

so. i am thankful that it looks like we are going to get the house. i am thankful daddee has cash on hand to cover what we need to pay up front. i am thankful that i have work which is meaningful to me, and challenging, and provides me with friends and opportunities for personal and professional growth. i am thankful for fedex which guarantees that the replacement check will arrive tomorrow afternoon. i am thankful that i have access to certain professionals. i am thankful that i am healthy.

i have to go home now, and get the checkbook, and go to fedex, etc.

but tonight, camobunny and i are going out to look at furniture. because we like nice things.

Friday, May 19, 2006

slow and steady

game this morning: par +8

this happens to be my personal best in many months. which is great but it means i will really have to push it to keep improving. with only 5 weeks to go, it's going to be a struggle.

Monday, May 15, 2006

the spam i have just recieved


I am ready to kill myself and eat my dog, if medicine prices here (
http://iwon'treprintthelink) are bad.

Look, the site and call me 1-800 if its wrong..

My dog and I are still alive :)

the new saara

so perhaps some of you are familiar with the new woman. if you're not, that is a shame. today, i am her. i am she? anyway, today i am the new saara.


improving my: golf game, posture, and previously-mentioned bad habit #1.

considering improving my: attitude.

watch and learn, grasshopper.

(edit: as a consequence, i am also starving)

Sunday, May 14, 2006


now what?

i need help

today's task is an arduous one.

did i mention that i am moving in about 2 months? so i am trying to be proactive and responsible etc etc etc and so i want to clean out my closet, because the new place has less closet space and because i really have a lot of clothes, i mean, really a lot, and half of them i probably never wear, and there are lots of people in my general vicinity who need clothes, and so i thought maybe i could kill two (figurative) birds with one (figurative) stone and get rid of some unnecessary (to me) items and maybe give them to the free store.

but... but...

there are so many. and i like them. and i'm not very good at determining if they look good on me, or are cool, or are worth saving. do i keep the dress i wore at sisko's wedding? i haven't worn it since, but i could. and it has sentimental value, and all. how about that black dress, which is a great black dress, which i have never worn, but i could wear it, if the right situation ever presented itself.


anybody want to come over and help?

one down

ok, this morning's game: shaved off one stroke. we're down to 10 over par.


close your eyes, and listen to this

Friday, May 12, 2006

let's call it golf

so as of this morning i am 11 strokes above par. par would be nice, although my real goal for this course is 5 under par.

i have been trying to improve my game for a couple of months, but to be honest, my efforts have been half-hearted, to say the least. there are just so many things i would rather do than practice my swing, and refine my short game, etc etc etc. i mean, hanging out on the couch is just so fun.

but now it seems that i will be participating in an exhibition in just about 6 weeks. there will be pros who will be watching. it's likely that they will be the nice, charitable sort, but still, the results of my labor will be on display.


i was thinking that perhaps putting this out there, to all of my dear readers, might help keep me accountable. so here's the deal, every time my game improves by at least one stroke, i will let you know. and i really will start practicing, and putting my game face on every morning, and all.

so. here we go!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

poem for the day

A Happy Birthday

This evening, I sat by an open window
and read till the light was gone and the book
was no more than a part of the darkness.
I could easily have switched on a lamp,
but I wanted to ride this day down into night,
to sit alone and smooth the unreadable page
with the pale gray ghost of my hand.

-ted kooser

conjunction junction...

this could be fun...

if you're one of those

makin' me dizzy

(my head is spinning)

so yesterday was a pretty great day.

i accepted the formal job offer, after successfully negotiating for a higher salary. well, negotiating probably isn't the right word. 'asking for and recieving' is more like it.

then, suomies' colorado license came in the mail.

and then, our offer on a house was accepted. including the curtains. want to see it?


Thursday, May 04, 2006

it's so easy, it's so right

it makes me very happy to hear about people donating blood.

thanks jason

it's also nice when there's a funny story to go along with it.

everyone should give blood. people need it to live, and all.

providing the reader

it has been suggested to me (albeit indirectly) that i need to add some Visual Variation to my blog. so here you go, folks. this is the new bikini i just bought for my Fabulous Mediterranean Vacation.

it is not, however, my body.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

update, the third

i got the job


well, they are preparing an offer which they will present to me tomorrow.

but that counts as an offer, right?