the fire in leaf and grass

Thursday, January 18, 2007


it's a bit of a catch-22. which i'd like to talk about.

i started to read that book. i could not finish it. it is one of only two or three books that i haven't been able to finish.

what is interesting, is that someone i know well finds this book to be their favorite book of all time.


the catch-22 of which i speak is this- that i want to post, but have nothing interesting to say. so i can choose to either (a) not post (see previous 6 days) or (b) post something non-interesting (see today). both of which leave me feeling impotent and useless.

not quite the proverbial rock and a hard place, but something like that.

so what can i possibly tell you.

it is cold here. still.
our energy bill for the last 30 days was $320.

um, are you kidding me??

although, thinking fondly of my frequently-made-homeless-by-power-outages friend amy back in the lou, i suppose i should be thankful i have electricity at all... but still and all.

went skiing this past monday (props to mlk for facilitating a day off) and it turns out that i am a complete rock star. i'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that i was on New and Fantastic skis. nope, it was my mad skillz. anway, and please refer to an earlier clause, it was cold. like, butt cold. like -8 degrees. farenheit.

i think to myself, why do people do this? and more urgently, why do i do this?


work is busy and good. although i feel somewhat resentful that my boss doesn't completely appreciate how superior i am to all of my fellow employees, i am still managing to work pretty hard and get some good stuff accomplished. which is a good feeling.

taking the hotrod to get a bath on saturday morning.

speaking of which. let's talk about magnesium chloride. thoughts? i like it, myself. though it leaves this strange non-see-throughable film on the rear windshield (how does it even get on the rear windshield?) . but overall, i find it to be a preferable product to the sodium chloride. so. nicely done, denver department of transportation or whomever you might be.

spending sunday afternoon with a friend from work, watching hours of football. and hopefully there will also be beer.

(aside: am i turning into a guy, that the highlights of my weekend are washing my car and watching football?)


i ate yogurt with honey and almonds for breakfast.
big cup of bad coffee during the morning.
palak paneer and a coke zero for lunch.
huge handful of m&m's during a conference call.
i am anticpating an apple within the next hour or so.
dinner will be fried rice. possibly (who am i kidding? definitely) some chocolate.

yes people, i am resorting to telling you what i ate today. this is how low i have sunk. this is seriously all i have to say. i am so humiliated.

oh i did want to say a sneaky little thanks to amy for your niceness on your blog- thank you. i appreciate your friendship and will surely be availing myself of it shortly.

and to jen-nay. i feel completely left out, having apparently not received the email about the a/c vents.

ok well i feel like i should stop. i actually feel like i never should have started, but i am trying to keep at least ONE of my new year's resolutions.

oh and in case you were wondering, i am 2/10 of the way there on resolution number 3.



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