the fire in leaf and grass

Friday, April 07, 2006

update, the second

well it's friday finally although the week has seemed off kilter from the start.

thank you all for asking, the job interview on tuesday out in denver went quite well. it was long and exhausting but seems like a pretty cool job and i think they liked me as well. in fact, potential-future-boss called this morning to reinforce their interest in me and to try to gauge my interest in them.

which brings me to my next point.

by all accounts, i am very interested in them. the job itself sounds cool. the person who currently does it, loves it. the team is great- kind and down to earth and passionate. the office/environment is relaxed, friendly, open. the mission of the organization is right up my alley. but something... something is giving me pause. i can't put my finger on it. is it self-doubt? not sure i can live up to their expectations? my loathing to be classified as a salesperson? anxiety about having to travel? fear that i sold myself too well, that i'm really not that great, and soon they will figure it out and regret hiring me?

anyway, i am nagged by these thoughts.

so this weekend i plan to spend some Quality Time on the job hunt, just to check out other options...

the other thing that i would like to say, just for the record, is that i completely love my current job, and am very sorry to be leaving it. i have a new boss who is Fantastic and Excellent and i will miss him, as well as my other dear friends and colleagues, more than i care to think about just yet.


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