the fire in leaf and grass

Friday, April 07, 2006

habits, revisited

well you may have guessed it but one of my afore-mentioned bad habits is biting my nails. it is unsanitary, and childish, and makes me look all raggedy and unprofessional.

so i now have fake nails.

which sounds so awful that i hope you will not think bad and disparaging thoughts about me.

back to the nails.

they actually look very nice. they are acrylic, actually they are gel acrylic, which means they charge you an extra 10 bucks to add a shiny topcoat. but they do look nice, not too long and gaudy, and i have a french manicure, which looks sort of classy i think.

but here's the problem.

i bite my fake nails. yes, i have chewed the acrylic right off of my pinkie finger. it hurts. and it looks WAY worse than just regular bitten nails. half of the nail still has the acrylic attached. the other half is all scarred and soft. it's really quite awful. but i can't seem to keep it out of my mouth. i am ashamed, and appalled, and i thought perhaps that writing about it might be the impetus to stop.

not so much.



  • Perhaps something is making you nervous? Perhaps the thought of a chilly night? Or perhaps you are just simply excited at the prospect of sushi for dinner. Sinua rakastetaan!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 07 April, 2006 11:55  

  • i was joking before, but isn't there something one can paint onto the nail to make it taste bad? as in, surprisingly bad? as in, so bad that when one absentmindedly starts biting the nail the surprise bad taste actually acts as a deterrent?

    By Blogger CamoBunny, at 08 April, 2006 05:13  

  • Can't you just cut them off?

    The fingers I mean.

    Or would that be too drastic.

    By Blogger AlleyCat, at 09 April, 2006 13:33  

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