the fire in leaf and grass

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

my trifecta

so there are three individuals of whom i am very fond. really quite deeply fond. i have known these individuals (a) my whole life (b) a little over 10 years and (c) about a year (at least, known well). they all know each other, at least indirectly. all of them are very kind and generous and friendly and sociable, but at least 2 pairs of them (think about it) have been known to butt heads with each other, in varying degrees. leaving me to intermediate (or else ignore it and hope they resolve it between themselves), as i hate it when people i am fond of are not fond of each other. (the third pair seem to get along fine, but perhaps they have never yet been given the opportunity to not?)

my point being, why is it that these people have trouble getting along with each other as well as they get along with me?

because i get along with each of them quite swimmingly.

i have found that people who clash often do so because they share similar characteristics. and so i wonder if these individuals are really not so different after all? (which leads me to an entire additional (a whole nother) set of questions, which we will not consider here).

my second point, or question rather, being, what can i do to help these individuals get along better? (of particular interest, a certain pair of them will be spending a significant amount of time living in close quarters in the near future, and i would be happiest if everyone were playing nicely together)

another question being, perhaps, what is it about this particular type of person, that i so readily develop fondness for them? (presuming that there is such a type, and that these three fall into it). which is a silly question really, because honestly, what is there not to like about them?


  • I have discovered with the help of Merriam-Webster that

    Main Entry: tri·fec·ta
    Pronunciation: trI-'fek-t&, 'trI-"
    Function: noun
    Etymology: tri- + perfecta
    : a variation of the perfecta in which a bettor wins by selecting the first three finishers of a race in the correct order of finish

    This can only mean that, of the three parties you mention, you like (a) the best.


    By Blogger AlleyCat, at 11 April, 2006 10:39  

  • guessing the identities of persons (a) and (b) but without assuming who person (c) might be, i would have to comment firstly that person (c) ought to feel deeply honored and complimented indeed to be included in a category along with (a) and (b).

    perhaps the issue to establish is not one of whom you love best, but one of who is able to love you best. it would seem to me that as it displeases you to be around conflict (which i was thinking prior to reading your more recent post, by the way), he/she who loves you well would understand that and out of love for you try not to engage in conflict when around you. naturally being a conflict-avoidant person might work in one of these people's favor but would not be necessary i suppose.

    is it also, perhaps, that that thing which these three people have in common is that they love you and therefore are kind and generous and friendly and sociable to you but may not be quite as much so to others? just a possibility.

    i do agree that some people's way of "getting along" may look different from what others may expect. a certain amount of ribbing and debate may be enjoyable to some but unpleasant to others, for example. thus i create a connection to your other more recent post.

    the answers to your last questions, perhaps, about why you would readily develop fondness for said type of person and of whether or not these people even fall into a "type", are probably that (1) God has blessed you with an ability to love people who may be unlovable to others and (2) perhaps, or perhaps it is just one or two personality traits that these people share.

    all that just to scratch the surface.

    By Blogger CamoBunny, at 13 April, 2006 09:28  

  • and also just for fun i would like to add a (d), (d) being for d-o-double-g.

    By Blogger CamoBunny, at 13 April, 2006 10:08  

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